Thursday, August 4, 2011

HealBots, Warrior Tips and Macros!

Apparently, I am going to be running around with two priests healing me.
You read this caption correctly. I apparently have "inspired" two people to basically run around behind / near me and heal me while I charge into battle and rape face. I'm not really sure how well this is going to work out, I'm sure one of them (possibly both) will be holy and maybe another will be disc. Maybe one will play offensively while throwing the occasional heal while another heals both of us? I don't know, we will have to figure this out. I will be providing additional information on this, for anyone who is interested in knowing how well this is going to work out for the (apparently) three of us.

I have three macros for the warriors who want some good tips on macros. :)

Burst Macro

 /showtooltip Bloodthirst
/cast Bloodthirst
/cast Heroic Strike

GrimStomp's PWN Macro

/showtooltip Charge
/cast Charge
/cast Bloodthirst
/cast Heroic Strike

"Finish Him" Macro

/showtooltip Execute
/cast Execute
/cast Heroic Throw

These are just a few of the macros I (and other warriors like Grimstomp) use when I duel, PvP and all that jazz. I felt like sharing them with the people who browse this blog. The first macro is pretty self explanatory, it should (if you have enough rage) use Bloodthirst and then Heroic Strike one right after another instantly (or near instant). The final macro is really self explanatory as well, when your target is wounded and you don't want to risk him living, simply press this button and if your within melee range, you use Execute and Heroic Throw at the same time. This should kill them, if not, they will be begging for mercy and wishing they had a pocket healer. Here is a simple bandage macro for the silly.

            Retard's Simple Bandage.

/use [target=player] (insert name of bandage)
That is all I have for this blog, I will be providing you will with updates and more tips and tricks to playing the f2p warrior class. For The Horde! :)

1 comment:

  1. hey Cihc, Damaku here I'm a f2p warrior like yourself and I'm searching for a macro that will charge -> battleshout -> piercing howl. I'm sick of not getting off my slow on hunters who immediately disengage after my charge...
    thanks for the help
