Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Day in the Life of Me.

Just getting a early start on some /dancing for an AB win.

Hello and welcome back to my blog. I've been been getting a lot of views on my blog and I thank you for that. I'll try to keep this as on topic as possible. My blog posts at the moment are kinda scarce until Monday or Tuesday, I have a lot of stuff going on irl, plus my p2p account just gave up on time so my GF is now playing my f2p account. On a more on topic note; I'm currently grinding my way to my first BoA via Call To Arms; sadly its going to take like 4000 - 5000 honor to get the one piece I want. Best in slot is best in slot, no? :) I recently discovered something today from a level 20 twink huntard who was pushing 2,000 hp. I took a quick glance at my chat log and saw he was drunk off of Whiskey! So; I guess the f2p community does have their own version of Rumsey Rum after all, even though this costs a lot more and you can only have 3 at a time but still, 200 health points is worth the money imo. Keep in mind however; your faction needs to keep a hold of the town that sells it, otherwise you'll get butt-fucked by the guards.

Lets see what else do I have to talk about... Back on the whole 2 handed and dual wield bit. I am starting to think that dual-wield is better than 2 handed for a consistent stream of damage whilst 2 handed is made for roflburst and rending. To each their own though I suppose; I personally suggest any warriors run around with both sets of weapons, as no one weapon is BiS for every single situation. I've been asked by a few people if I'm getting two AGMs or one and the answer to that is one. I don't like gimping myself of a potential lifesaver. I usually say stay with consistency however; I highly advise any warrior to also run with an Insignia of your Faction so you can have a bit more assistance "surviving".

Some people have also been bothering me about how the video is going. I never said it was going to be done over night. Good things take a while. This video is one of the biggest projects I have ever done with Warcraft (well that and this blog... moving on) and I want to put some good time and effort into said project before I release it to the general public. I'll probably release some small videos soon about me dueling people but that maybe it... Not really; entirely sure....

Thats pretty much all I have for this post of this stature. I'll post more like this when I can't find anything to blog about.


  1. Well read, keep up the good work.

  2. Don't forget 1h+shield, when closin on hunters,when rogues come out of stealth, etc, a shield is very helpful. Also against other warriors. Remember that duel?

